Identifying movement limitations or deficiencies before they become problematic can be vital in reducing risk of injury. This is not just limited to athletic performance but also an important element for work related activities and movements in everyday life. We posses a unique set of assessment tools, one of them being the Functional Movement Screen, or FMS. Designed by a physical therapist and an athletic trainer this tool allows us to understand more about the how’s and why’s related to your movement patterns. The information gathered from the screen then allows us to provide you with a detailed program that addresses areas of deficiency and limitation.

FMS can be used to help athletes of all levels improve their overall performance and prevent injury. For example, utilizing the latest research in golf fitness, health and swing biomechanics from the Titliest Performance Institute, our Therapydia NOLA physical therapists can analyze of a golfer’s physical and movement limitations and golf swing. This assessment will help to correct any golf specific deficits that may affect a golfer’s game.

Make an appointment today and learn how physical therapy can help with your sport injury prevention.