Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy

Rotator Cuff Physical Therapy
One-On-One, Hands-On Treatments. Recover Faster.

I had a lot of pain in my shoulder before coming to Therapydia, especially during and after my softball games. After a couple of months of therapy with Jonathan a couple times a week my range of motion has been restored and my pain is gone. I’d certainly recommend them to a friend.

After sustaining a painful shoulder injury, Jonathan gave me great treatment until my shoulder was fully healed. He was very knowledgeable about the intimate processes of the shoulder and the body in general. I even referred my brother to him. He seems genuinely invested in helping people recover and become pain free. The atmosphere of the clinic is relaxed, and the scheduling is smooth and easy thanks to Heidi.

Jonathan is very knowledgable about how the body works and used that knowledge to make my injury disappear. The one-on-one care I received was a big reason that I saw and felt improvement in my shoulder each time. My shoulder is now back to having normal range of motion. As crazy as it sounds, I miss going to Therapydianola. Both Heidi and Jonathan made therapy a fun experience. I will not hesitate to recommend Therapydianola to anyone!

Watch Jonathan Burke, DPT of Therapydia NOLA Explain Rotator Cuff Symptoms and Treatments

A Modern Take On Rotator Cuff Injuries

The shoulder is considered to be one of the most intricate joint systems in the entire human body and is the rotator cuff is made up of a group of 4 muscles that keep the shoulder joint stable. The rotator cuff plays a vital role in proper shoulder function and its primary roll is is to center the shoulder joint and allow for proper joint motion.

Identifying the reasons for shoulder pain can be multifactorial. The American Physical Therapy Association outlines three separate classifications that a shoulder problem can be categorized as. Shoulder pain and mobility deficits/adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder), shoulder stability and movement coordination impairments/dislocation of the shoulder joint, and shoulder pain and muscle power deficits/rotator cuff syndrome. Any of these conditions can impact the rotator cuff.

Signs & Symptoms

    Rotator cuff injuries can be caused by repetitive arm movements, heavy lifting or a fall. Rotator cuff tears are either full-thickness or partial-thickness and they develop as a result of trauma (i.e. fall) or long-term overuse of the shoulder. After a rotator cuff tear, it will make activities of daily living such as raising your arm or reaching overhead painful.

    You may feel the following:

    • Pain around the shoulder and arm
    • Shoulder muscle weakness
    • Limited shoulder range of motion

Why Physical Therapy

    Physical therapists can assess movement patterns to determine the cause of your shoulder pain and if indeed a tear has occurred and what level of severity. For full-thickness tears, surgery may be required. We will help you safely regain full use of your shoulder and arm and design a custom postsurgical treatment program to meet your personal goals.

    For rotator cuff injuries and tears, physical therapy treatment may include the following:

    • Joint mobilization, manual therapy therapy, and myofascial release are common techniques to increase shoulder range of motion and stability
    • Custom shoulder and arm exercises to strengthen in rotator cuff and muscles in the surrounding area. Strong shoulder blade and trunk muscles will provide support and stability for your shoulder
    • Proper shoulder movement education to teach special techniques to improve shoulder motion and reduce reinjury. Post-operative patients have a high chance of reinjury within the first weeks after surgery. Proper bathing, dressing and sling position will reduce chances of injury.

About Therapydia NOLA

Better Physical Therapy Experience

At Therapydia NOLA, our physical therapists offer one-on-one, hands-on treatment. You’ll spend your entire with one of our expert therapists – we won’t hand you off to a PT assistant or aide. With our manual therapy techniques and custom exercise programs, we’ll help you strengthen your hip musculature and correct your mechanics to get rid of your knee pain or to help you recover from knee surgery. We’ll help you understand what’s causing your pain, what you can do to relieve your pain and ways to prevent reoccurring injuries.
Best of all, you’re covered. Therapydia works with and provides billing for most insurance groups and Medicare. We also accept cash payments.

  • Lifetime Wellness
  • Hands-On-Care
  • Quality Treatment
  • Jonathan Burke, DPT, MTC, CSCS
    Clinic Director
  • Whitney Braswell, DPT
    Physical Therapist
  • Curtis Olivieri, DPT
    Physical Therapist

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    Therapydia New Orleans

    421 N. Carrollton Avenue, Suite 4
    New Orleans, LA 70119
    Phone: (504) 702-6688
    Fax: (504) 702-6679

    Our hours:
    Mon: 7:00am to 6:00pm
    Friday: 8:00am to 6:00pm
    Thurs: 7:00am-5:00pm
    Friday: 7:00am to 3:20pm
    Saturday & Sunday: Closed
    Early or later times may be available upon request.

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