Elbow Physical Therapy
Elbow Physical Therapy
One-On-One, Hands-On Treatments. Effective Elbow Pain Relief.
Elbow Pain Causes
The most common elbow conditions are tennis elbow and golfer’s elbow. Tennis Elbow (Lateral Epicondylitis) is a painful condition that is caused by overuse of your forearm, wrist and hand muscles. Golfer’s Elbow (Medial Epicondylitis) is also an overuse injury. Although you can develop tennis or golfer’s elbow from playing tennis or golf, anyone can develop these elbow conditions if they repetitively use their wrist, hands, forearm and elbow muscles while on the job or doing the hobbies they love.
Your forearm muscles are joined to the elbow via tendons. These tendons are attached to a bony point on the outside of your elbow, the lateral epicondyle, and tiny tears to the tendon occur when the forearm is overused. Pain starts can start in your elbow and may radiate down your forearm and hand. With golfer’s elbow, your tendons are attached to the bony point on the inside of your elbow (medial epicondyle), and when friction occurs, the bursa sac in the area can fill up with fluid causing inflammation and pain.
Signs & Symptoms
- Pain around your elbow
- Pain radiating down your forearm and wrist
- Pain while holding a water bottle or turning a doorknob
- Weak grip strength
- Weakness in forearm, wrist, hand or elbow
Elbow pain may develop gradually but when acute pain occurs, it is important to take self-care measure immediately. You may be experiencing elbow musculoskeletal issues if you feel the following:
While some elbow pain may go away naturally, if left untreated, your elbow pain can develop into chronic pain. The first couple of days are critical in treating the source of what’s causing your elbow pain.
Why PT?
- Manual, hands-on physical therapy techniques to mobilize elbow and wrist joints and massage elbow soreness
- Custom exercise programs to strengthen forearm muscle and decrease irritation of the tendon
- Movement education while doing daily activities to improve form
- Worksite modifications to reduce forearm, wrist and elbow strain
Although you may be experiencing pain in your elbow, the core issue of may be in your forearm. To prevent elbow pain from coming back, your physical therapist will complete a complete analysis of your upper limb area to pinpoint the cause of your pain and greatly reduce your risk of chronic pain. Every physical therapy treatment is unique to the individual. Below are some of the treatment methods that may be used to treat your elbow.
About Therapydia NOLA
Better Physical Therapy Experience
At Therapydia NOLA, our physical therapists offer one-on-one elbow treatment sessions. You’ll spend your entire with one of our expert therapists – we won’t hand you off to a PT assistant or aide. We’ll help you understand what’s causing your pain, what you can do to relieve your pain and ways to prevent reoccurring injuries. Best of all, you’re covered. Therapydia works with and provides billing for most PPO insurance groups and Medicare. We also accept cash-based payments.
- Lifetime Wellness
- Hands-On-Care
- Quality Treatment