Scoliosis Physical Therapy Treatment
Hands-On Care. Long-term, Effective Scoliosis Pain Relief.
What is Scoliosis?
Scoliosis affects the spine by changing its alignment and most often occurs just before puberty. Minor scoliosis cases just require a brace while more serious cases may require spinal fusion surgery. Brace has been the go-to treatment for adolescents to stop curve progression. However, curves can grow throughout adulthood leading to pinched nerves, herniated disc, reduced mobility, back pain and reduced lung capacity.
Signs & Symptoms
Although the cause of scoliosis is unknown, scoliosis is a visible condition that is usually detected during a physical examination. When the spinal alignment is not centered, you may begin to feel pain around your spine around including your hips.
- Uneven shoulders
- Uneven hips
- Uneven waist
- Pain around spine, shoulder, pelvis or hip
- Difficulty breathing
- Back across lower back
Why PT?
Physical therapists can provide care across all scoliosis cases by addressing posture and movement patterns and any muscle pain such as back pain. Physical therapy treatments are tailored to each patient’s needs and curves. Whether you want to halt curve progression or reduce back pain, your physical therapist can work with you to create a plan that works with your needs.
- Manual, hands-on therapy to restore joint movement and muscle tissue
- Custom exercises to improve rain of motion and strength muscles surrounding the spine.
- Postural education to reduce back pain
About Therapydia NOLA
Better Physical Therapy Experience
At Therapydia NOLA, our physical therapists offer one-on-one, hands-on scoliosis treatment. You’ll spend your entire with one of our expert therapists – we won’t hand you off to a PT assistant or aide. We’ll help you understand what’s causing your pain, what you can do to relieve your pain and ways to prevent reoccurring injuries. Best of all, you’re covered. Therapydia works with and provides billing for most PPO insurance groups and Medicare. We also accept cash-based payments.
- Lifetime Wellness
- Hands-On-Care
- Quality Treatment