Shin Splints Physical Therapy
Shin Splints Physical Therapy
One-On-One, Hands-On Treatments. Effective Shin Pain Relief.
Shin Splint Causes
Medial tibial stress syndrome has long been referred to as “shin splints” due to symptom location along the shinbone, the tibia. It has been suggested that stress to the soft tissue muscles and other connective tissue deep behind the shinbone have been the source of pain. However, more recent studies have suggested that symptoms may be related to an imbalance between bone resorption and bone formation. Basically more bone is being reabsorbed than being created due high levels of stress and activity along the tibia leading to a stress fracture. Common amongst runners, it is estimated that approximately 35% of active individuals may experience medial tibial stress syndrome.
Signs & Symptoms
- Tenderness upon touching your shin
- Ache during and after activity
- Pain along shin may worsen as activity continues
When increasing mileage too quickly or changing their training regime, runners may experience overuse injuries resulting in shin splints. Jumping sports such as volleyball and basketball, also puts greater stress on your shinbone. There are a number of factors at play when running or participating high impact sports and shin splints can be a result of excessive stress placed on one leg or help, foot pronation (upward or downward motion) or even worn out shoes. Having a flat or high arch in your foot also gives you a higher chance of getting shin splints.
Why PT?
- Manual, hands-on physical therapy techniques to mobilize stiffness in calf and achilles and improve range-of-motion
- Video run analysis to understand your running form and identify movement patterns that may contribute to shin splints
- Custom exercises to strengthen ankle, foot, hips, core and lower extremities for high-impact activities
Our physical therapist can help you identify the causes of your shin splints and create a custom program to meet your needs and goals. To prevent shin splints from coming back and keeping you from the sport you love, your physical therapist will complete an analysis of your lower limb area to pinpoint the cause of your pain and greatly reduce your risk of chronic pain. Every physical therapy treatment is unique to the individual. Below are some of the treatment methods that may be used to treat your shin splints.
About Therapydia NOLA
Better Physical Therapy Experience
At Therapydia NOLA, our physical therapists offer one-on-one shin splints treatment sessions. You’ll spend your entire with one of our expert therapists – we won’t hand you off to a PT assistant or aide. We’ll help you understand what’s causing your pain, what you can do to relieve your pain and ways to prevent reoccurring injuries. Best of all, you’re covered. Therapydia works with and provides billing for most PPO insurance groups and Medicare. We also accept cash-based payments.
- Lifetime Wellness
- Hands-On-Care
- Quality Treatment