Trigger Point Physical Therapy
At Therapydia NOLA, we provide hands-on, manual therapy techniques to mobilize the joints and muscles. Trigger points is common pain point amongst our patients and they are caused by trauma to an injured area. Your muscles tries to protect itself by seizing up but this leads to knot-like pain. In the clinic, our PTs are also certified in dry needling and is a great way to release trigger points. Lacrosse balls are also a great tool to use when you start to feel knot-like tension in your muscle. We like it because it can get into those hard to reach places that foam rollers miss.
Trigger points are common amongst athletes. At Therapydia NOLA, we have treated a lot of patients with muscle pain related to training, especially within the CrossFit crowd. During the recent CrossFit Open Workout challenge, Jonathan Burke, Clinic Director of Therapydia NOLA, recorded the following video that goes over how to use a ball prior to warmup mobilize the lateral border of your scapula.
Other Lacrosse Ball Exercises:
Tensor Fascia Latae
First, find boney point in front of hip and move ball 2-3 inches down and to the side. Lay on side and apply sustained pressure with ball to the muscle. Duration of pressure depends on how long it takes for muscle or trigger point to “release”. Release of the trigger point can usually be felt when there is a significant decrease in the intensity of the pain from the pressure of the ball. We typically tell patients that the intensity of discomfort should drop several points on the 0-10 pain scale. For example, if discomfort is 8/10 on the pain scale, then hold the pressure on the trigger point until the pain drops to at least a 3-4/10. This can take anywhere from 10 – 90 seconds
Soothe Sore Feet
Place the lacrosse ball under the arch of your bare foot and begin rolling over it. The ball will provide instant relief from tight arches and also help those who suffer from plantar fasciitis. I recommend keeping a ball in a ziplock bag in the freezer for an after-work cold foot massage or storing one in your carry-on bag for your next flight. (Source: Shape)