Ready For The Open: Workout 16.5

The last Open Workout of 2016 is… a repeat of 14.5! Are you having flashback to 2 years ago? Workout 16.5 is all about having hip mobility and proper front rack position. Remember to keep your upper back and chest nice and tall. With Thrusters, when fatigue sets in, elbows tend to drop forward causes the upper and middle back to drop forward as well. This causes strain in these areas and this type of inefficient position not only hurts performance but can lead to injury. Jonathan is a CrossFit Coach at CrossFit Roux and a common tip he gives CrossFitters is to widen hands out a bit (outside your shoulder) to get your elbow up in a better position.

Hip and back problems comes about with high rep or high load. With Burpees, your body is undergoing a quick succession of a closing and opening motion. Making sure your mid-line is stable will save your back and save you time.

To get joints lubricated prior to doing 16.5, here are a couple of exercises we recommend.
• Split-lunge: Get hip and groin open.
• Goblet squat: Practice getting to the bottom of squat
• Workout 16.1 warmup exercises are also relevant for this 16.5: T-spine over medicine ball, Thoracic spine extension, Burpee Prep

CrossFit Athlete Mat Fraser finished his Workout 16.5 in a little over 8 minutes. What’s your goal? Thanks for including us as part of your 2016 Open Workout journey!

crossfit open, crossfit warmup, open workout

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